RV Education 101 July/August 2008 Newsletter
- Sunday, August 03 2008 @ 05:08 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

The RV Education 101® Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by Video
Volume 52 - July/August 2008
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View KOA Clip
Kampgrounds of America (KOA)
proudly sponsor and are happy to endorse
RV Education 101, the leaders in the RV education arena.
Explorer RV Insurance Agency also
Proudly Endorses & Sponsors RV Education 101
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD is your complete video guide to professional driving techniques for beginners to experienced drivers. It takes commercial driving training techniques and converts them to layman's terms, and it explains basic rules so you can apply them to any vehicle you might drive.
Want the Book AND the DVD as a SET? You will really learn how to Drive like a Pro!
If you just can't wait, the INSTANT download version of Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro video Download is available NOW.
Want your RV Education 101 Videos INSTANTLY?...RVDownloads.com
"Dawn, I'd just like to let you know that I have received the pdf book "RV Checklists". It came to me very shortly after placing the order. I'd like to thank you and your husband for the great service and really really good info on RV's. Please keep up the great work."
....take care and thanks,
Josie Sage
RV Checklists, the Original, is our NUMBER 1 SELLER! -By: Mark Polk
"What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.
- Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius)
Hi everybody,
It's hard to believe that July was here and gone, but time stops for nobody. August finds us as busy as ever. We have been working with Explorer RV Insurance Agency to produce some free educational video clips on RV insurance related issues. We feel strongly about educating the RV consumer on how to properly insure such a large investment like your RV. You can check out our latest RV insurance video clip further down in this newsletter, the other clip will be in next month's newsletter. All of the RV insurance video clips are available at our new RV Insurance Corner on our web site. So now there is no reason not be properly covered when it comes to your RV.
I mentioned in our June newsletter that we were waiting for our new DVD title, Drive your Motorhome Like a Pro, to get back from the replication company and now we have it. This is the fifteenth DVD we have produced and I can honestly say it is flying off the shelf. I always felt there was a need for an instructional driving DVD and I am glad to have worked on this project with Lorrin Walsh, professional driver and author of the book titled, Drive your Motorhome Like a Pro. This DVD is loaded with great information for the inexperienced as well as the experienced RV driver. View a short excerpt of the DVD
"Just a Reminder" Don't forget to tune into RVTV on the Outdoor Channel for some great RV viewing and for my RV Savvy segments and quick tips. New RVTV shows air Tuesday @ 11:00 AM, Friday @ 3:30 AM and Saturday @ 2:30 PM
This months RV Poll is, Do you prefer gas or diesel? Read my feature article on Gas Vs. Diesel and be sure to participate in the RV Poll at our sister site RVUniversity.comI hope you enjoy the newsletter
Until next month Happy Camping!
RVING WITH MARK POLK ~ Feature Article: Gas Vs Diesel
Should I buy gas or diesel? This question has fueled many a heated debate over the years. A universal response you could expect to hear to this question goes something like this; diesels cost more than gas, don’t buy a diesel unless you plan to put a bunch of miles on it and keep it for a long time. That’s the only way you can justify the extra cost of a diesel.....
Have some spare time on your hands? Do a play & learn RV Crossword Puzzle!
by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st
When you are close to home in familiar territory and your RV
needs repair usually your dealer or an in-park mobile RV tech
service is close at hand. However for problems many miles away
from home the scenario can be much different. Don't despair, help
is never far away. Ask your park how to contact in-park service.
Their hourly rate can be as much as 50% less than a dealer
rate. When your unit is no longer under warranty, most problems
can be repaired by any knowledgeable RV tech. In-park service is
the economical way to go.
Seeking service at a nearby Camping World is another viable
solution. If a problem re-surfaces down the road, the next
Camping World will make it right. FYI, the appliances they
install include a lifetime installation warranty.
All RVers should purchase to an Emergency Road Service
policy. When you encounter breakdowns en route you simply
call an 800 number and help is on the way. Be sure your policy
includes a 'sign and drive' option and unlimited towing distances
without restrictions on the number of calls allowed.
This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are
so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do"
when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency
roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health
& safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable
and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly
list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV
Living in the 21st Century
Also, get lots of great tips from Peggi's instant download e-book RV Packing Tips, E-book
Coach Care RV Service Centers
Arm Yourself with Qualified RV Buying Information, Before you Buy Your RV! ....
What are Independent RV Insurance agents?
Mark Says: These agents typically represent a variety of insurance companies. Therefore, they have the ability to generate competitive quotes from several insurance companies. Independent agents can provide more insurance options for a consumer and help match the consumer’s unique needs and preferences with an appropriate insurance option. For example, Explorer RV Insurance is an independent agency that sells products of National Interstate, Great American, Drive from Progressive, RLI, PersonalUmbrella.com and several others..
Published by RV Education 101 - 2007..108 pages
Owning an RV is meant to be fun. Making the wrong buying decisions can make it miserable rather than fun. If you follow the steps in this RV buying guide you will be on your way to an enjoyable RV ownership experience for years to come. Learn More
Insiders Guide to Buying an RV
This version is an INSTANT Electronic E-BOOK
RV Poll
Every month we include a poll on RV related issues. The poll remains on our RVUniversity.com
site until the next poll is posted in the following newsletter.
Last months poll "While traveling in an RV, Do you:
21.52% said: Go out to eat more often.....
78.48%said: Cook/grill in the RV more often
To participate in the poll go to RVUniversity.com and look at the left sidebar.
KOA Kampground Staff Featured on RVTV...
Kamp 4 Nights in August and WIN$10,000!...
RV sales down, travel up...
Power Bridge Chassis™ Built to stand the test of time...
Tom Raper RV presents game show prize to Ky. man
Unhappy campers: Weather, gas prices alter vacation plans

Some of our monthly RV Video Tips are designed to provide basic RV information for new RVers and some of the future RV Video Tips will cover more advanced topics. If you have any ideas for future topics you can email me at Mark@rveducation101.com
This months RV video tip is: "Full Timer RV Insurance "
THE RV INSURANCE CORNER: Learning About RV Insurance
RV Education 101 feels that prevention is the best protection. We would like to help educate you about insurance claims and bring awareness regarding subjects that you may never have considered.
Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency
Full-time RVer Protection
In its November 8, 2007 issue, Time Magazine reported that there are over 400,000 full-time RVers in the United States. Although many of these full-timers inhabit their RVs all twelve months of the year, most insurance companies view five or six months of usage as full-time usage.......Read
Live Your Road Trip Dream Carol and Phil White write an indispensable guide that will answer questions that RVers as well as future Rvers have on their minds. There were several points I had never thought of until I read the White's book. One question I had never thought of explained why you need Landlord insurance if you want to rent your house instead of sell it while out on your adventures. Can you really live on the road happily for an extended time? The answer is YES! Make sure you get a copy of Live Your Road Trip Dream so you can make sure you are properly educated and know all the ins and outs of how to make YOUR dream a reality. Knowing how to plan by experiencing trial and errors through someone else is the key to a successful trip......Dawn Polk, co-owner of RV Education 101
"The RV Book"
By: Mark Polk
is available at:
Camping World
and Wal-Mart in the RV/Auto section
or buy online here.....
Newsletter Archives:
To read past issues of the RV Education 101 newsletter, go to our newsletter archives
**A BRAND NEW RV Education 101 E-book!!
RV Awning Use & Care E-book only $9.95 -By: Mark Polk
18 pages Learn
Be sure and check out all 13 information packed instant download e-books RV Education has to offer
RV EDUCATED? Take the Test and see...
RV Electricity 101 (quiz #6)....Brought to you by RV Education 101
RV Q & A by Mark Polk
*NOTE: At Mark's discretion, material might be edited to suit a wide audience. Due to the large volume of material and correspondence we receive, individual replies might not be possible, nor can we acknowledge receipt of submitted material. Selected questions will be answered in future issues of our RV Education 101 newsletter and on our site. Thank-you for your understanding.
Q.1. I Have received conflicting responses to my ??? about the use of OD in my RV. We have a 31' 2002 Dutchmen Class C (bought new) with approx 17,000 miles. Powered by Ford E450 V-10 (gas)and we tow a '98 Jeep Wrangler. Have used OD with cruise @ 60 mph +/- a couple of miles. Have also used under same driving conditions without OD. Which is most efficient? Have been told by some RVers not to use OD when towing because of damage/wear on transmission, yet this was just debunked by a Ford fleet truck service manager who said he wished they'd never put Overdrive on the "darned" shifter. He said if it had 1-2-3-4 on the shift selector "you'd probably put it in 4 and never look back." He said it's okay to use OD when towing & that the powertrain/engine is "doing what it's supposed to do" when it shifts down. He agreed the problem for some people is the noise it makes giving you a feeling the whole thing is either going to take off or explode. Your thoughts?
Q.2.Hi Mark, Great articles, been RVing (not full time) since 1969, retired from USN. I think my 10 year old window awning (54 inch) springs are too wimpy and need replaced. Can I do this myself?
Q.3. The videos are excellent but I have one thing that isn't clear to me. Where I plan on camping I will always have 120 Volt electricity to plug the main 30 Amp power cord from the trailer into. Will the 12 volt appliances work as long as I'm plugged into the electrical supply of 120 Volts? ( I assume the 12 volt converter will enable me to do this). Or , do I always need to have a battery connected and charged? I called the manufacturer and still am not sure. I plan on not even bringing a battery with me most times. Any insight you could provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Q.4. If you can steer me in the right direction that would be great. We bought our first travel trailer last year, stored it over the winter here in Colorado, and have found that mice moved in recently. Is there any product we can use to repel mice? I don't want to use poisons where they could die somewhere inside the trailer.
Click Here to Read Mark's Answers to RV Q&A by Mark
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with these 10 DVD Value Sets!
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Published by Trailer Life Books-
Do you travel with pets? If so this book is a MUST have. RV Education 101 Endorses this directory of 24-Hour and After-Hour veterinary facilities in the United States. It was written by a good friend of ours. Mark and Dawn Polk HIGHLY recommend this Guide.
We had to use it on an RV trip in the mountains. Buck our Terrier had a really bad cough and was not able to rest at all. We found a Pet clinic in the directory and had him there within the hour. Buck was diagnosed with Trachial Bronchitis and given antibiotics and cough medicine. The trip was saved and Buck was very grateful! Learn More
Don't Leave Home without these great products from RV Education 101
Professional Driving Techniques for Beginners to Experienced Drivers
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro A book that will help people become safer, more confident drivers.
THE handbook for working on the road
Support Your RV Lifestyle 2nd Edition More than one-million live full-time in their RVs.
Learn to make the right choice when buying an RV in a 50-minute DVD from RV Travel and the Better Business Bureau: Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD
. Live seminar presentations can't always offer numerous and sometimes cumbersome visual aids to effectively get the point across. That was the thought behind our new RV video seminar series. Seminars in video format allow Mark to present valuable information, using detailed graphics. It is the perfect solution to help educate the RV consumer.
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 11 and Josh 17, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website> www.rveducation101.com
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.
To contact us with feedback or questions, email to: info@rveducation101.com
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Happy Camping,
Mark & Dawn
RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC
Copyright 2008 by RV Education 101